segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2012
A new look for a new year
Very happy new year to everyone, freedom, happiness, joy and peace are my wishes to all of you!
segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012
Today's Society
The influence of technology in our society is not just big. For quite some time now we've been worrying about movies and the influence it as on people. But now with the iPhones and iPads and MacBooks people get very social all around the world, they just forget about getting social around the table. So if you are "ridding" this with friends around you, drop the device and play some cards!
sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012
The name of this Mentawai wave, Nypussi, Comes from the Japanese name for Japan, pronounced "Nypon" and the fact that the first person to ever surf this wave was a Japanese girl. This photo was taken by Aleister from Byron Bay, it turns out that I had met him two years ago on my first trip to Byron and we found each other surfing on that spot. Far, far away from each others home. I met him yesterday again as I came back to Byron bay, we had a barbecue with some of the locals.
I found the world really small on this Indonesian trip as Aleister wasn't the only surprise I had. I was at the same homestay as Cesar Rosa's cousin who didn't surf but was just there on holiday with her husband. Cesar and I used to compete together when we were younger. Then I met a Brazilian guy, Daniel, when I told him where from I was, he told me he had a friend from Portugal called San and had dreadlocks, at this moment I just laughed. We had spent the summer working together San and I, we became close friends as we met in autralia and helped each other, two years ago. During this summer San told me about this Daniel from Brazil, whom he had met in Byron bay some time ago, and whom he was going to visit in Brazil on his next trip.
When my plan was to go to Byron Bay after the Mentawai, I meet one Byron local called Alister, plus Daniel a really close friend of San, they whom had met in Byron. Was I meant to be and go somewhere else in the world at that time?
I found the world really small on this Indonesian trip as Aleister wasn't the only surprise I had. I was at the same homestay as Cesar Rosa's cousin who didn't surf but was just there on holiday with her husband. Cesar and I used to compete together when we were younger. Then I met a Brazilian guy, Daniel, when I told him where from I was, he told me he had a friend from Portugal called San and had dreadlocks, at this moment I just laughed. We had spent the summer working together San and I, we became close friends as we met in autralia and helped each other, two years ago. During this summer San told me about this Daniel from Brazil, whom he had met in Byron bay some time ago, and whom he was going to visit in Brazil on his next trip.
When my plan was to go to Byron Bay after the Mentawai, I meet one Byron local called Alister, plus Daniel a really close friend of San, they whom had met in Byron. Was I meant to be and go somewhere else in the world at that time?
quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2012
Viajar, porque?
Nao podia dizer melhor! Texto tirado de
"...Um homem precisa viajar. Por sua conta, não por meio de histórias, livros ou TV. Precisa viajar por si, com seus olhos e pés, para entender o que é seu, para um dia plantar as suas próprias árvores e dar-lhes valor. Conhecer o frio para desfrutar o calor, e o oposto. Sentir a distância e o desabrigo para estar bem sob o seu próprio teto. Um homem precisa viajar para lugares que não conhece para quebrar essa arrogância que nos faz ver o mundo como o imaginamos, e não simplesmente como é ou pode ser; que nos faz professores e doutores do que não vimos, quando deveríamos ser alunos, e simplesmente ir ver..."
Amir Klink
segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012
Fim do verão com amigos
Filmamos esta surfada entre amigos, daquelas surfadas que ficam raras mas que continuam vivas. Joao Silva, Mikael Toesca, Miguel Duwe, Paulo Almeida, Basile Belime, Peggy Webster, e mais amigos. Surfar souzinho é melhor do que cheio de crowd, mas quando ta cheio de amigos até damos ondas aos outros com um sorriso na cara.
quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2012
The Mentawai jungle
Crossing the jungle, 1 hour walk through coconuts and bridges to get to the surf!
And when we finally get to surf, this clean walls of waves were expecting us!

terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012
Solar eclipse in Byron
We had a Solar eclipse today in Byron Bay, it wasn't total for us it felt more like a cloudy day when we had a clear sky. It's strange to see the sun looking like the moon, and we realise how strong is the sun when there is more than half of it covered and is still clearly day!
terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2012
De volta das Mentawais!
Três semanas de surf na ilha quase deserta de Nyang-Nyang. Quase deserta porque se tiramos os turistas que não eram excecivos e o resort, sobram umas aldeias minhaturas de locais que trabalham na produção de coco, as palmeiras de coco (como podem ver na foto são só palmeiras cheias de cocos, que as vezes caíam de cima das árvores e estoiravam no chão com um som forte apesar de ser abafado pelas ervas da selva, assustava), e finalmente algumas ondas que vinham visitar as barreiras de coral. Electricidade só a noite para dar luz e poder carregar as baterias dos computadores que nos permitiam ver uns filmes de vez em quando. Apesar da Malaria existente, não consegui evitar ser picado por mosquitos várias vezes ao dia. Comiamos "Mie goreng" (mie=massas instantanias & goreng=frito, neste caso era mais salteado) todos os dias aos almoços e jantares. Como duche tinhamos um tanque cheio de água e pá funda para despejarmos a água no corpo. E para ir surfar íamos a pé, a maior parte das vezes, os picos não estando bons a frente da nossa casota, caminhavamos uma hora pela selva para chegar ao lado sul da ilha onde recebia o swell todo. Passaram assim três semanas sem nada mais para fazer do que ir surfar, beber chá e jogar cartas.
domingo, 14 de outubro de 2012
Wedding in Padang
Today in Padang we assisted to a typical wedding. And so, we got our moment of fame besides the bride and the groom, and his proud family. The father of course proud of his son but also a bit proud that a couple of "Bulé" (the tourist definition in Indonesian), assisted the social ceremony of this union towards god. As the respect of the culture is still strong, it is also a new union towards the people as they only can live together after the marriage. They look beautiful on their ceremonial dresses matching the background so well that they almost disappear on it. All the best!
sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012
Jah-Shaka surf movie
This video has been made for Jah-shaka surf project. It is also from my previous trip to Indonesia. Peaceful images, with some mind freeness.Hope you enjoy it!
sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2012
A caminho das Mentawais
Saímos, o Samuel e eu, de Lisboa na quarta-feira, voamos para Jakarta e de seguida Padang que fica na ilha de Sumatra. Estamos em direcção às Mentawais. Mas hoje temos que ficar até segunda-feira em Padang a espera do ferry que nos vai levar mais perto das ondas. Se as minhas contas estão certas teremos viajado quase uma semana até chegar ao skatepark aquático da Indonésia. Os Indonésios estão sempre com aquela boa dispisição típica deles. O ar está pesado, quente e humido, mas o meu senso olfativo diz-me que estamos no sítio certo!
(Na foto é o Samu e um jovem indonésio com uma camisa do Real Madrid, fan do football como quase todos os Indonesios)
(Na foto é o Samu e um jovem indonésio com uma camisa do Real Madrid, fan do football como quase todos os Indonesios)
quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2012
Fizemos uma trip a Marrocos em abril, aparentement não foi a melhor altura para o surf mas tivemos tempo livre para ir naquele momento. Alugamos um carro que nos conduziu mais de 3000 km nas pequenas estradas de marrocos de Tanger a Agadir, e de volta para Tanger. Três gajos num pequeno peugot 206, a dormir numa tenda em parques de campismo que íamos encontrndo pelo caminho. Diverção e aventura!
We mad a trip to marocco in April, aparently it wasn't the best season for the surf but we had some free time at that moment so we rented a car and drove over 3000 km on small maroccain roads from Tanger to Agadir and back up north. Three guys on a small peugot 206, and sleeping on a tent on camping sites we'd find along the way. Fun and adventure!
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